Just dropping this here so it exists somewhere other than my laptop:
Directed Tickets
Names in bold have been added to the invite list successfully!
Invites Complete
- Prismaticamp 4 (dkoronakos, chesnut, dlhillius, mikeandeanna)
- ADDITIONAL people from Prismaticamp who will bang on the lottery if you don't get all 26 emails in time:
- b.cooper25, bryanressler, tgate007, kateclem, meholcomb,wolk.jeff, joannachesnut, meholcomb
- Dr. Carls 3 (juliavoth, ree.seminole, nodaysoffyet)
- STMB 4 (slcpunkin, clonts.logan, nfaucett.utah, case invited by Gloria), in that order based on availability)
- Baristas 3 - (jayswain, jessalea.ann, christopher.phaneuf) [back up addresses: nicstauber]
- Trashistan 5 (7 MAX) - (pippin, gabrielle, geoxie, bikeeabout, lisa.sturdivantm - invited by gloria) (TIER 2 /BACKUPS - alyleiv, DGAkyurek- invited by gloria, thebrillianthen)
- Bearwhalea 3 - (zac.german, brewerem, evanmbrewer)
- Grey Matter 2 (me(JordanRinke), patrick.deuley)
- Rejuvenation 4 -(dcorners, Bertopamus, tjbapton , Kikkimonster)
- Grey Matter and Rejeuvination were invited through Gloria.
Total: 28