
Revision as of 08:00, 25 April 2015 by TheBrilliantHen (Talk | contribs) (Attending)

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TRASHISTAN welcomes the return of the RANT-O-MATIC for your ranting pleasure!

We will also offer unscheduled surprise hand-fired pizza (and possibly cookies and other goodies)!

17-18 campers total, 16 early passes needed

Early Arrival

  • Everyone except Tamarak


St Eve aka Gabrielle Pippin Justin Katy Milk aka Geo Nomad aka Alex Tamarack Strativarious aka Lisa Hero aka Denny The Situation aka Melissa Wade Nadine Zed, The Sultan aka Deniz Emily Elizabeth Brigham Pixi aka Elizabeth Van Dam Zungu aka Thomas Van Dam PP aka Petrina Hen aka Sara


Camp common area

SHADE SHADE SHADE - 10' PVC pentadome + 30' witch's hat material to drape from 15' mast over dome and vehicles


For the Public

RANT-O-MATIC will be more or less portable

Plus a small three-wheeled art car and small pizza oven, both accessible to the street

Leave no trace

LNT contact: Hen or Pee